Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Right out of the sandbox....

Eatmecrunchy featured on Idea Sandbox - see here. This is what they said: It is always gratifying when - in your lifetime - someone solves one of the world's problems. We're still figuring out global warming, but someone has solved our soggy breakfast cereal problem. and comments from their readers...
  • Pure genius...Edison himself would be amazed. Thanks for sharing this with the world.
  • Awesome beyond awesome. This is a problem that we have been so resigned to as a fact of life that I wouldn't have even identified it as something to be fixed.
  • I got one of these for my wife for Christmas - she loves it. I got it from ww.eatmecrunchy.com they deliver the to states.
Keep it crunchy with a eatmecrunchy cereal bowl today at http://www.eatmecrunchy.com/.

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